with their confreres in the rest of the world that
the scope of obstetrical teaching embraces not only
the phA-siology and pathology of reproduction but
necessarily all the diseases of women. The chief
of an obstetrical department must be a thoroughly
trained abdominal and pelvic surgeon maintaining
proficiency in his art by constant practice. Other-
wise he is not fit for his position and would be
incompetent to deal with the cases that may be
admitted to his clinic at any moment ; ruptured
uterus with injury of intestines, requiring resection ;
diaphragmatic hernia in pregnancy ; discovery of
disease of the gallbladder in the course of an ab-
dominal operation, and so on through a long list.
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plicating pregnancy, labor and the puerperium or
often their indirect consequence.
We have in the University of Pennsylvania a
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he sees, the notes he takes, and his conduct on the
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ship of two weeks : Seven normal deliveries, an
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pinx, a salpingitis, an exploratory laparotomy, a
supravaginal hysterectomy, generic version of tetracycline a large ovarian cyst, a
cancer of the sigmoid : resection, six dilatations and
curettage, three appendectomies, a gas anesthesia, a
radium application, two intravenous iiajections of
salt solution, a blood transfusion, two inevitable
abortions, a uterine irrigation, and a ruptured ecto-
pic gestation.
This same intern had another compulsory week's
internship in the hospital ; a two weeks' voluntary
service in the outpatient department and another
compulsorj' ten day period; a year of theoretical
lectures ; another year of clinics, conferences, sec-
tion buy tetracycline 500mg work and ward classes in which he saw, heard
described, and personally assisted in the treatment
of a large additional number of cases, such as have
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ally suggests itself: If the chief of an obstetrical
department must be an accomplished pelvic and
abdominal surgeon ; if his department, properly
organized and 500 mg tetracycline rosacea conducted, controls an amount of
clinical material that no other can rival ; if he alone
in the medical faculty can teach all the conditions
which the physician must treat in women, is it
pedagogically or economically justifiable to main-
tain in a medical school a socalled gA-necological
department, which can only duplicate the teaching
of the surgical and obstetrical departments and in
a manner necessarily inferior to both? This ques-
tion has alreadj' been answered in the only way
it could be answered by the majority of our best
medical schools; it is being answered as opportunity
occurs by vacancies in existing chairs, and it will
presently be answered conclusively and finally.
As an interested observer, an occasional partici-
pant in the transactions and an old member of the
American Gynecological Society, it appears to me
impolitic to allow a movement which vitally con-
cerns us all to gain tetracycline hydrochloride capsules usp 500mg irresistible headway and to
reach its ultimate goal, apparently ignored by the
very organization that should have fostered and
directed it.
The reason for our attitude is obvious: some of
the members might fear an interference with their
vested interests. where can i buy tetracycline Others, disinterested, might, in
the buy tetracycline spirit of a laudator temporis acti, be honestly
convinced that the old order should not be disturbed.
But the issue is too. important to be influenced by
selfinterest or unprogressive minds. This is the
only country in the world now rich enough to ad-
equately equip its medical schools tetracycline 250 mg acne : consequently the
hegemony of the medical education of the world
lies within our grasp if, having the money, we have
the wit to seize it.
Apparently the world's centre buying tetracycline online of wealth, power
and civilization, shifting with the tetracycline mgd ages from Meso-
potamia, Egypt, Greece, tetracycline 500mg capsules Rome, and Northern Eu-
rope, is moving to tetracycline mail order this cheap tetracycline continent. It is an inspir-
ing thought that each one of us puny mortals in
his tiny sphere may play a part in such a stupendous
cosmic drama. Let us teachers of one of the most
important medical branches put our 500 mg tetracycline acne house in order,
that we may merit a place among those who assist
and do not hinder the passage to America of the
world's leadership in medical education.
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